edTotal sets up the REAL Certification using X-API. The edTotal LRS tracks and reports that a person meets mandated standards and possesses the requisite knowledge, skills and attitude to certify their performance. EdTotal Real Certifications can track any activity, in the classroom, online, in the field, in the plant, in the ocean...
- Available as an app or responsive web page
- eLearning Modules
- Mobile ready
- 508/WCAG 2.0 Compliant
- Enrollment, Reminder and Completion Emails and Alerts
Design your own certification program or certification system with our edTotal Certification Engine. Need a customized certification? We build those too.

Connect certification to KSA (Knowledge, Skills, Attitudes)
- Videos
- eLearning Modules
- Observable Checklists
- Field Demonstrations
- Classrooms
- Exams
- Documents - manuals, Standard Operating Procedures, Notices
- Badges, Learning Badges
- Attestations
- More detail
- Track KSAs in the field
- Demonstration outside of the classroom
- Can evaluate on job performance
- Integration with other systems
- Learning ecosystems
- Mobile Job Training Guide Apps
EDTOTAL LRS is an Activity Tracker
The edTotal Learning Record Store is an X-API based certification system, an activity tracking and reporting system, a learning record system, a learning management system that is flexible to meet your certification needs..
About Us
Its not what our edTotal Learning Record Store (LRS) can do, it’s what you can do with our edTotal LRS and X-API.
We started the edTotal LRS as a means to build learner centric modern, flexible, reliable and mobile operational learning centers and REAL certification programs.